No More Room In Hell Maps

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It's October. The prime month for horror! We've been hammering on the 1.06 update applying changes from the great feedback you guys have given us. The team has added some new faces this September! Level designers Lou Saffire and thegregster101 (creators of two awesome community maps: Isolated and Hershel's Farm) have joined us. Tal and MrCJ are working with us as new prop modellers. In the sound departmentrezOnance is taking on the foley work. Outrebon Louka joins ssba and Brent in the programming department and we finally filled some animator positions as well! FreddyFredFred and John are on board to help with character animations and more.


Community Map Pack 1

No More Room in Hell is the ultimate ruthless and unforgiving co-operative zombie survival experience on the Source Engine, delivering award winning survival horror gameplay with dozens of weapons and multiple game modes.

Our community is pretty awesome. Greenlight was a great indication of this. With overwhelming support we were one of the first 10 games to be Greenlit on the service. When will it be on Steam? It is going to take awhile. We are currently waiting on Valve to move things forward. We'd just like to thank you all for the support you gave us. Our future is brighter than ever!

We like to think that mods have a closer connection to the community than AAA developers and in most instances that is true. While we are hard at work updating the game, the community is hard at work making the maps they would like to play in NMRiH. With that said we are releasing a .zip full of maps made by the community.

  • nms_townhouse by Lanix
  • nms_intersection_b1_3 by Reynard Hartmann
  • nms_hershels_farm_v2 by thegregster101
  • nms_genocide_b5 by Fathomless
  • nms_Gasstation_v2 by Krackman
  • nmo_flowingdisaster_b3 by MrNyet
  • nmo_frostbite_b4 by MrNyet

You can find more community maps and the latest versions on our forum here. Feel free to post your map as well!


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Biohazard Project

No More Room In Hell Maps

Resident Evil fans rejoice! An incredible rendition of RE2 is being made in the form of the Biohazard Project produced by Morgoth and his team. The map project promises a complete 'Racoon City Police Department experience' from Resident Evil 2. It will feature the puzzles of RE2 in true No More Room in Hell co-op fashion. Check out their progress at their ModDB page. They also released a trailer:

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