Fan 2 On Laptop Not Working

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  1. Cooling Fan For Laptop Not Working
  2. Fan 2 On Laptop Not Working On Windows 10
  3. Fan On Pc Not Working

Question Laptop fan is not working. Thread starter Mr.Uptight; Start date May 9, 2019; Tags. Do not use the laptop until the fan is replaced and it is cleaned up.

Cooling Fan For Laptop Not Working

Feb 3, 2014 - a post about tips to solve laptop internal cooling fan not working on dell. Should shut down the laptop and then start it again after 2-3 minutes. Now I am not sure what you mean with my laptop’s cooling fan isn't working. If it is actually spinning, but not cooling your computer down, then there might be dust in the fan vents. You can use a compressed air duster to blow away the dust.

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I get so many variations on this question so often that I just have to address it.

In short: there’s nothing even close to enough information for me to hazard a guess as to what might be wrong. And it’s just not a simple yes or no question.

Let me run through a list of some of the things it might be.

Is it plugged in? Seriously, the information as provided in this and similar questions often doesn’t indicate that the computer does anything. As silly as it sounds, I’ve had some very embarrassed people get back to me when I’ve suggested that they check the power plug.

The power supply could be broken or failing. Even if the fan comes on or some lights light up, there could still be a power supply failure.

The motherboard

A motherboard is the primary circuit board in a computer. It typically has sockets for the machine’s CPU, RAM, keyboard, mouse, and disk controllers, and the circuitry to interconnect them all. It’s also common for motherboards to contain additional circuitry for external connections, such as USB and eSATA. Many motherboards also include video adapter circuitry as well.
Many motherboards, particularly those in desktop PCs, include slots into which expansion cards can be inserted to provide additional hardware functionality. Occasionally, those expansion cards, or other cards that can be attached to a motherboard, may be referred to as daughterboards.
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>motherboard could have a problem. It’s fairly rare, but the motherboard has many, many components on it which are often vital to the operation of your machine. Some component could fail due to static electricity, a power surge, or many other reasons.

Typically those who ask this question without really knowing what details are important to include are those who’d probably be better served by having someone more knowledgeable actually look at their machine.
The computer’s RAM [Random Access Memory]
RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory. This is the part of your computer that holds the programs and data you’re actually using right now.
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>RAM could fail. Or it could be loose in its socket. With memory
When discussing computers, memory specifically refers to a computer’s RAM, or Random Access Memory.
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>memory a computer will typically not boot at all. But lights might come on and fans might run.

The Hard Disk Drive [HDD]

An HDD, or Hard Disk Drive, is typically a small box inside your computer that holds several metal disks coated with a magnetic material. They are not unlike a video or audio tape or the strip on the back of a credit card. The disk spins at a fairly high rate of speed, and special “heads” can read, or record, a pattern of bits (1s and 0s) on the magnetic surface. Those bits are assembled into bytes, which in turn are the files that you save, receive, or create.
Disks do not lose what’s on them when you turn off the power.
See also: Solid State Disks (SSD)
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>hard disk could have failed. Typically you’ll at least boot into the BIOS [Basic Input/Output System]BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input/Output S

Fan 2 On Laptop Not Working On Windows 10

ystem. A BIOS is PC software that:
  • Performs the Power On Self Test (POST)
  • Loads the operating system from bootable media, such as the installed hard drive, an inserted bootable CD or DVD, or a bootable USB device
  • Acts as a standard interface layer between operating systems and the installed hardware
In addition, a BIOS typically has a user interface of some sort that is accessible (only) at power-on; this allows many of the configuration options for the computer to be selected before any operating system is loaded.
The BIOS is typically stored in re-programmable ROM, allowing it to be updated using special reprogramming or “flashing” software (this is unrelated to so-called “flash memory” as used in USB memory sticks and other devices).
(Click on the term for full definition.)

Fan On Pc Not Working

'>BIOS for this one, but there are failure modes that could result in a very dead-looking machine.Not

Any expansion card could fail in ways that could cause the entire computer to become inoperable.

The video interface could be dead. If your computer’s doing something, but you simply can’t see it, how do you know it’s really there or not?


The video cable could be unplugged or broken. Same idea: if you can’t see it, is it really there?

The monitor itself could be unplugged or broken. Still the same idea. Lights might blink, disks might whir, and your computer might be working, or not.

Fan 2 on laptop not working on tv

I could go on.

Hopefully by now you get the idea. If the computer fails to boot with no clues, no lights, no nothing, or even if the fan does run and some lights blink but you still see nothing on the screen, it could be anything. There’s no way to know with that little information exactly what might be broken.

My recommendation at this point is typically to take the computer to a technician who can often quickly diagnose where the problem actually lies.

Yes, there are steps that you can try yourself to further diagnose the problem depending on your level of comfort and expertise. Replacing components or removing optional components to see if it makes a difference is usually one way to start (after double checking that you’re plugged in, of course 🙂 ).

But it really depends on your level of expertise. Typically those who ask this question without really knowing what details are important to include are those who’d probably be better served by having someone more knowledgeable actually look at their machine.